
Waste & Recycling Conveyor Belts

Fewer work environments are harsher than waste and recycling facilities. Discarded and demolished materials are heavy, jagged, and unsanitary. The Hose & Belt Store offers products that simplify the process of reclaiming paper, glass, metals, asphalt and concrete from mixed refuse. Attributes include:

  • Heavy duty materials—rubber belt with hot vulcanized rubber, stainless steel angle iron, or Ure-Clad® urethane cleats.
  • Cleat profiles suited for conveying large objects up steep inclines.
  • Cut, puncture, and abrasion resistance—belt covers embedded with ceramic chips or clad in stainless steel.
  • Magnetic separation—Metals can be sorted from co-mingled refuse using electromagnet-encased self-cleaning belt systems and eddy current separators. Belts for these applications are fabricated to withstand constant impacts of sharp metal objects. These belts are available in compounds such as rubber, urethane and PVC.

Waste & Recycling

  • Sorting lines
  • Plastic
  • Aluminum
  • Glass
  • Tires (rubber)
  • Electronics/Computers
  • Yard Waste
  • Lumber
  • Tub Grinders
  • Metal Scrap
  • Separators